Tuesday, August 7, 2012


We compare ourselves to someone everyday. It is just natural. Almost expected. The real question is this...Who are we comparing ourselves to? Prideful ones end up finding the faults in others to make themselves appear and feel better. There will always be someone doing "worse" than you. Whereas people with low self-esteem compare themselves to people who act and seem like they "have it all together". Both ends of the spectrum are filled with sin. The prideful comparison blinds them from their own sin and the low-confidence comparison hides them from the gifts God can use in their lives for His glory. Each sinful comparison ends in more heartache or greater self-worship. Yet, there is one more person you can compare yourself to. One that leads to only joy and peace. One that never leads to greater pride or insecurity. That One is Jesus Christ, When you compare yourself to Him alone, you find yourself in a humble place where you are praising Him for having mercy on you for your faults. You realize you are not perfect because only He was on this earth and you can have peace because He loves you past that fact. So based on this information, I am going to try to compare myself only to the One who is worthy. I have to be honest, you and I will both fall short everytime. We will fail every comparison. We can just sit in his grace that pours over us. Yet, because of His love we can love Him back and strive to be more like Him. After all, don't you always want to be more like the ones you love?

Monday, August 6, 2012

God's Gift

God is giving you an incredible gift on this earth. If you take this gift forgranted and start looking too much towards the future, you find yourself wasting this amazing gift called TODAY. Yet, we are forgetting that we are not promised that tomorrow will be there. Are we people living for Christ each day like it is our last? What are the things God calls us to do that we have left undone? We cannot get away with simply being nice. We must love with all our hearts. Jesus Christ told others when they were caught in their sin. If Jesus Christ is our greatest example, why aren't we brave enough to be great friends and help people out of their sins? At Hume Lake this past week the speaker said, " Bravery is rarely practiced but RARELY REGRETTED." Are we going to continue being meak and watching people pass us by as they struggle with their sins? I can't do this anymore. The wages of sin is death. Standing by and being nice is not saving lives. Our God is forgiving but what happens if you never confess of your sin and turn away from it? No more shallow friendships. No more empty promises to "pray" for others. I am being lead by the Holy Spirit and that is it.